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hope you are enjoying the start to your holiday season! 

big things for our family...we should be closing on a house any day now (had hope it would be today!).
 so more projects and pictures to come, but just shipping date reminders for now.

thank you for supporting my handmade business! 



small biz saturday!

Just wanted to drop in to say thank you for your support and interest in my little business. I feel so lucky to have been doing it for three years now and I love it!

I love my job and that it enables me to be with our sweet and crazy Jude at home. Pretty awesome that you all help make that possible. I'm listening to Christmas music and its making me sentimental...

However, I also wanted to make sure you all knew about our sale until Monday! And please support the lovely local shops we are in. Check our the shop local tab above to see if there is a shop near you!

xo Katie


thanksgiving giveaway!!

to kick off the holiday shopping season, i am doing a little one delightful button giveaway for $35 to my shop.

to enter//

+ like my facebook fan page (and like the post about the giveaway so that i know you are a fan)

extra entries//

+ follow my blog (if you already do you can comment telling me that)

+ follow me on twitter 

winner will be announced sometime on thanksgiving day and stay tuned this week to black friday through cyber monday sales on one delightful button products.

thanks for entering and for choosing to support handmade!



a good day.

what does a good day look like for you?

i think i am having one. we'll see. it is only 10:30am.

listening to this // joanna dahl - my name & its good. and probably good for me not just to be listening to christmas music.

jude slept mostly through the night - only waking at 5:45am - i gave him a bottle in his crib and he went back to sleep. i felt like it might be a good day for me to get up before him. so at 6:15ish i crawled out of bed and turned on the coffee pot and spent some time reading the bible. i always sort of have this in my mind as a goal, but homeboy has still been sleeping so bad it does not feel feasible. our current home is so tiny if i do get up before him, he usually can hear me wake, which defeats the purpose of getting up early.

anyhow...today is worked. then the little sugar bear got up at 7:30ish and we snuggled and had some playtime and some toast and more coffee. actually, coffee with trader joe's sipping chocolate.

this stuff is literally the best. i may have put my name on a waiting list last year when they sold out in virginia beach. i never got a call, but i said i would like 3 boxes. then i got crafty and made some peppermint syrup to go with it by microwaving some sugar water and 1/8 tsp of peppermint extract. yum. take that starbucks!

after breakfast and some playtime, jude and i took a long walk into town. beautiful day. 60s. no fall foliage, but that's okay. now it's naptime and i'm going to get a little biz work done. 
thinking about doing a little giveaway from one delightful button to kick off the holiday shopping season...will keep you all updated, but you must be a blog follower. so if you are click and follow ;)

hope your day is good too. 


Christmas is coming.

Doesn't it feel like Christmas almost here once we get Halloween behind us? Starbucks has there red cups already and is advertising my favorite drink that I order year round - the peppermint mocha. Target is starting to decorate. I am listening to Christmas music. A lot of the she&him album and some Neighborly Christmas.

And poor thanksgiving is like, remember me?

No, thanksgiving, apparently not. I expected to be busy this holiday season with one delightful button orders and have enjoyed packaging up some early holiday orders. Still in the midst of getting a few more orders ready, but wanted to take a second to post.

enjoy your election night!
